The Greater Buckeye Lake Historical Society​​​

Many Door Prize Drawings, by Nickolas Palumbo.

A One Day Rain Delay 

​Car Show Photographers included: Joyce and Philip Vaughn.

Thanking Our Wonderful Sponsors

A-1 Auto Parts   Coughlin Toyota   Friendship Ford   North Valley Bank   
Our Lady Mt Carmel Church   Pat Miller/ HER Reality   Thornville Pharmacy
Judge Luanne Cooperrider   Marianne Perine   Englefield Oil   Jim Matheny
KOA   Mike Yount- trophies

A Whole Lot of Entertainment, Fun and Food

  • The Great Pretender2:38
  • Share Your Love With Me2:42

All Winter long Buckeye Lake residents wanted it to rain...​

Fill that lake, Fill that lake. Well OK, enough is enough!  When you have a good thing, you want to keep it going.  Our annual car show has always been a good source of donations for the Buckeye Lake Museum. The last couple of years, however, old man rain just keeps pouring down on the Car Show. 

This year, Saturday was completely rained out, so the show was moved to Sunday. With the help of social media and friends, the day started out with 44 show cars entered and lots of sunshine.

Once again, unfortunately, a huge downpour stopped the car show mid-afternoon. Awards were handed out under a 10 x 10 tent, being held up in the ferocious wind, by dedicated volunteers. 

Special thanks to all of our sponsors, partners and donors for saving the day. Also to all of the petrol participants, entering their wonderful vehicles, over the last eight years. The show will go on again next year, but moved to Sunday from now on.
See you then! J-me Braig, Museum Director.

Rain didn't bother Donna, she always smiles, rain or shine.

Jim Matheny, Kar Shoz Productions

Kar Shoz 2017

To Turn Off the Music Click the Two Bars.

And it Still Rained !!!

Jim Matheny, right, handed out many awards, as the rain subsided. This award to Jack Dodrill, son of Elwood Dodrill, owner of  Hyde Park Drag Strip in Newark, Ohio.

Mike & Shirley Groseclose
invite you to

Visit the Buckeye Lake, Ohio
​KOA Holiday Campgrounds

Click Here

4729 Walnut Road, Buckeye Lake, Ohio 43008.