The Paul Clark Party Band Loves Buckeye Lake
We Love Pepsodent Smiles...
Paul Had a Secret that Night.
The 2016 Bogtoberfest really rocked with The Paul Clark Party Band. Music and conversation made for a fun filled evening. Several vendors supplied the crowd with wonderful food and beer, keeping the excitement at a fever pitch. Local businesses and volunteers helped to make this another successful fund raiser, for the Buckeye Lake Historical Society Museum’s Cranberry Bog Project.
The Society would like to add a special Thank You to John Lemon, the volunteers and Paul & Jackie Clark for all their effort. They are devoted members of the Buckeye Lake Museum and always looking for ways to help the society raise funds.
Dancing the Night Away - Click Arrows to Play Videos
When the Video starts, cick on the box in the lower rightcorner, to view full size.
It's All Aout the Hair.
Yikes!! Cream Puffs
My Diet just Dissappeared!
You Love the Port Smokehouse.
4729 Walnut Road, Buckeye Lake, Ohio 43008.
This Event Dedicated to the Loving Memory of Taffy.